During a fierce (as far as el sur de California goes) winter storm, I took the helm and chauffeured K and
Rollergirl up and over to Studio City to take care of a necessary, yet very brief, business meeting. With all prior engagements behind us, we found ourselves free to roam the wet calles of the east valley. My first instinct was to hit up the beckoning
Henry's taco stand, but I had to remind myself that despite the vast amount of bitchin' signage in these parts one mustn't just dive in head first. Pushing aside a certain Pavement song that was stuck in mi cabeza, I managed to remember a place that touts 'Japanese soul food' only a few blocks away. We pulled into the tiny strip mall and ran for cover from the rain straight inside warm and cozy Daichan restaurante. Somehow we just missed a late lunch rush, and subsequently scored a nice corner table with hot verde tea served within seconds. The
menu here consists of a broad lineup of tasty Japanese hits with a subtle Hawaiian theme swaying in the background. I ordered albacore
tataki (which was amped with minced garlic and a tangy ponzu sauce) and the unusual spicy chicken poki bowl. K went for the always scintillating chicken cutlet curry, while Rollergirl kept it light (to be nimble on the skates no doubt) with pan fried garlic pollo over rice. The only glitch at Daichan is the lack of cerveza and sake which a good portion of the menu is meant to accompany. Maybe coming at lunch is the solution to that conundrum since it's generally discouraged to partake during those hours in our mechanized society (I know what you're thinkin' Pete). As an alternative, of course, you could perform an elaborate dance between the brown bag in the car and the rica comida on your table, kampai!
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